Thursday, February 18, 2010

WTF a squirel spotted on my bed by my mum, a flying squirel. Quite scary man. My Mum was so angry because this squirel shit and urine on the floor, and she need to clean up the mess. But nvm it is cute.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Vandlise on the table with pencil.
This was a picture taken by me last year. Sort of deleting it, and wanted to enjoy with you guys so i just publish it.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

CNY photo, haha.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Woot finally a new earring is reborn, Happy 1 week anivesary baby ear.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Lol i happen to visit a youtube website quite funny, chinese new year version poker face. Watch 100time u still laugh.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Nice song updated, hope you guys enjoy.

Friday, February 5, 2010

This is how my classmates look like. (Left) Bowei, Wilson, Eddy Seow, Alan(Me), Melvin. There also a few of them who are not in this photo but i belive there will be more of this photo coming. Hope you enjoy this photo together with the music. MAX your VoLuMe Please.

This was my 1st time piercing, kind of a new thing to me, it wsn't pain at all when i jus started piercing but it started to have the pain feeling after my shower. See how swollen is it.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Today was a fun day lol. After lunch today, half of the class boy about 20-22 of us squeeze into the life, 1 or 2 of them climb up on the handle bar and 1 blocking the life cctv while me spamming the lift bell. That was pretty fun, hope can have more of this fun on my following daily life.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Yesh, finally my CA change her attidute after complaining to the section head. Hope i can pass my up coming class test if she continue to teach me like this.

Friday, January 29, 2010

  My nonsense in school, do i look like a angel? Cute angel or more like a rabbit? please grade me 1-nosense 5-cute angel, on my cbox. Thanks.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hi Bloggers Welcome To My World. Enjoy Your Stays. Nothing much to post today...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

For fun

This was worn on my cousin wedding dinner isn't it cool? I know the background is sort of nonsense, but bear with it, emphasize on the guy there will do. Haha

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hi. how life today? Today i witness a a matrix glass falling down on to the ground. Laugh out lourd. What i saw was actually a piece a huge glass was being kick by a malay guy from PE1001H, and the glass was about to drop, seconds later a male teacher when to touch the glass with his last finger without force and the glass drop on toe the ground. The impact was so lourd that other class teacher even ran over to our class. That all viewers, Sleeping time.

Monday, January 25, 2010

It a brand new day again. Welcome back to my blogspot. Schooling today is fun, why i say so, because teacher release us early by 1hour 30minutes, isn't it fun? And i got to chit chat with my friends during lesson time because teacher was busy on her work. That all for the day nothing much actually nights viewers.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Hi it a brand new days and it 22/01/10 look quite nice. I love the lesson today, because there is a kind hearted teacher whom taught me how to do my project, and it none other then my Mrs Choo AkA Ms Leow. She is better then my class advisor who think that she is really big f_ _ k in the school, but it ok i bear with it. One fine day or maybe teachers day i will buy 2 eye shadow for here as presents, what the fuck? Laugh out lourd. It late at night i shall stop my posts here, nights and sweet dreams.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Late Nights

  It's Night time around 1AM in the morning, and the sky are still so dark. Haven had my supper but it ok i am still not hungry. Thinking of what to do tml, may be slacking in school? I like my class PE1001A as it is such a cheerful class except for a guy name "JIAGONG" aka Jerron, irritating to the max, why i say so because he is 1 and is the irritater of the irritaters. It late i shall stop my post here, nights sweet dreams viewers.